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RF Isolator / Coaxial


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Search Results

Part Number Band (GHz) Bandwidth (GHz) Isolation Ins Loss VSWR Avg Power Drawing Quote Cart
JIC0118T0144NF2 0.118~0.144 Full 17.0 1.0 0 100/50/100 pdf
JIC0119N3 0.119~0.120 Full 19 0.50 1.25 100/30 pdf
PACKAGE 2.91″X3.00″ 0.119~0.300 Up To 20% 19 0.50 1.20 150/100 pdf
PACKAGE DUAL 5.67″X3.00″ 0.119~0.300 Up To 20% 40 1.00 1.20 150/100 pdf
JIC0123N3 0.123~0.124 Full 19 0.50 1.25 100/30 pdf
JI2C0130T0150N0 0.130~0.150 Full 40 1.00 1.25 5/5 pdf
JIC0130T0170N5F 0.130~0.170 Full 17 0.7 1.33 50/50 pdf
JIC0132T0144N15R 0.132~0.144 Full 19 0.50 1.25 150/150 pdf
JIC0134N3 0.133~0.135 Full 19 0.50 1.25 100/30 pdf
JIC0135T0155N10R 0.135~0.155 Full 20 0.50 1.25 150/100 pdf
JIC0144T0149N10R 0.144~0.149 Full 20 0.50 1.25 150/100 pdf
JIC0145T0165N3R 0.145~0.165 Full 22.0 0.60 0 125/-/- pdf
JIC0149T0151S10R 0.149~0.151 Full 20 0.40 1.22 150/100 pdf
JIC0150T0158N10R 0.150~0.158 Full 20 0.50 1.25 100/100 pdf
JI2C0150T0174MS1 0.150~0.174 Full 40 0.80 1.25 100/10 pdf
JIC0150T0180N3R 0.150~0.180 Full 19 0.50 1.25 100/30 pdf
JIC0155T0175S10 0.155~0.175 Full 20 0.50 1.25 150/100 pdf
JI2C0156T0162N5 0.156~0.162 Full 50 0.50 1.19 150/50 pdf
JIC0190T0230N1R 0.190~0.230 Full 18 0.40 1.29 50/15 pdf
JIC0208T0238S0R 0.208~0.238 Full 25 0.30 1.22 2/2 pdf
JIC0223T0253S0R 0.223~0.253 Full 25 0.30 1.22 2/2 pdf
JIC0238T0268S0R 0.238~0.268 Full 25 0.30 1.22 2/2 pdf
JIC0249T0251N6R 0.249~0.251 Full 21 0.30 1.20 150/60 pdf
JIC0250T0300S1 0.250~0300 Full 18 0.50 1.29 10/10 pdf
PACKAGE 2.05″X3.33″ 0.280~0.520 Up To 20% 25 0.25 1.20 250/100 pdf
PACKAGE DUAL 4.09″X3.33″ 0.280~0.520 Up To 20% 50 0.50 1.20 250/100 pdf
JIC0280T0330N10 0.280~0.330 Full 20.0 0.50 100/100/200 pdf
JIC0285T0315S0 0.285~0.315 Full 20 0.50 1.22 10/10 pdf
JIC0295T0345S0 0.295~0.345 Full 20 0.40 1.22 1/1 pdf
JIC0300T0420S10 0.300~0.420 Full 18 0.50 1.30 200/100 pdf
JIC0300T0420N10 0.300~0.420 Full 18 0.50 1.30 200/100 pdf
JIC0313T0317N5 0.313~0.317 Full 25 0.25 1.15 100/10 pdf
JIC0315T0433N5 0.315~0.433 Full 20 0.50 1.25 150/50 pdf
JIC0327T0335S1 0.327~0.335 Full 20 0.35 1.22 10/10 pdf
JIC0345T0375S0 0.345~0.375 Full 20 0.50 1.22 10/10 pdf
JIC0350T0385N6 0.350~0.385 Full 25 0.30 1.22 125/60 pdf
JIC0350T0400S10 0.350~0.400 Full 20 0.40 1.25 250/50 pdf
JIC0350T0500N10 0.350~0.500 Full 16 0.70 1.40 300/100 pdf
JIC0380T0415N6 0.380~0.415 Full 25 0.30 1.15 125/60 pdf
JIC0380T0430N5 0.380~0.430 Full 20 0.30 1.22 100/50 pdf
JI2C0380T0450N3 0.380~0.450 Full 40 0.70 1.22 50/50 pdf
JI2C0390T0410NFNM10 0.390~0.410 Full 48 0.50 1.19 250/100 pdf
JIC0390T0450N15 0.390~0.450 Full 20 0.40 1.25 300/150 pdf
JIC0390T0450SFSF10 0.390~0.450 Full 18.0 0.50 -/-/100 pdf
JIC0380T0440N2 0.390~0.450 Full 20.0 0.40 20/20/100 pdf
JIC0400T0465N6 0.400~0.465 Full 25 0.25 1.20 100/60 pdf
JIC0400T0470S0 0.400~0.470 Full 22 0.50 1.22 5/5 pdf
JIC0400T0550N5 0.400~0.550 Full 17.0 0.70 1.22 50/50/- pdf
JIC0405T0440N6 0.405~0.400 Full 25 0.30 1.15 125/60 pdf
JI2C0406T0430N3 0.406~0.430 Full 50 0.50 1.20 250/30 pdf
JI2C0410T0430NFNM10 0.410~0.430 Full 50 0.50 1.20 250/100 pdf
JIC0415T0455SF10 0.415~0.455 Full 25.0 0.4 100/100/- pdf
JIC0420T0450N10 0.420~0.450 Full 25 0.25 1.25 200/100 pdf
JI2C0430T0495N3 0.430~0.495 Full 40 0.70 1.22 50/50 pdf
JIC0430T0470N6 0.430~0.470 Full 25 0.30 1.15 125/100 pdf
JIC0431T0435N5 0.431~0.435 Full 25 0.25 1.15 100/50 pdf
JIC0446T0506S0 0.446~0.506 Full 25 0.30 1.22 2/2 pdf
JI2C0450T0470N10 0.450~0.470 Full 50 0.50 1.22 100/100 pdf
JIC0450T0520N10 0.450~0.520 Full 20 0.50 1.25 150/75 pdf
JI2C0450T0470N10-Ver2 0.450~0.470 Full 50 0.7 100/100/- pdf
JIC0459T0512N6 0.459~0.512 Full 25 0.30 1.15 125/60 pdf
JIC0465T0468N2 0.465~0.468 Full 25 0.25 1.15 100/25 pdf
JIC0465T0530N6 0.465~0.530 Full 25 0.25 1.20 100/60 pdf
JIC0470T0512N15 0.470~0.512 Full 25 0.25 1.20 200/100 pdf
JI2C0480T0590N3 0.480~0.590 Full 40 0.70 1.22 50/50 pdf
PACKAGE 1.38″X2.36″ 0.500~1.200 Up To 30% 25 0.25 1.15 100/100 pdf
PACKAGE DUAL 3.53″X1.50″ 0.500~1.200 Up To 30% 50 0.50 1.15 100/100 pdf
JIC0500T0520NFNM2 0.500~0.520 Full 28.0@25°C || 25.0@-10~+50°C 0.4 20/10/- pdf
JIC0512T0698N10 0.512~0.698 Full 18 0.40 1.28 100/100 pdf
JI2C0690T0960A2N1 0.690~0.960 Full 20 1.00 1.22 10/10 pdf
JIC0698T0960S1 0.698~0.960 Full 20 0.40 1.25 100/10 pdf
PACKAGE 1.25’X1.25″ 0.700~1.200 Up To 30% 25 0.25 1.20 100/10 pdf
JIC0700T0900S1 0.700~0.900 Full 20 0.30 1.22 5/5 pdf
JIC0700T1000S10 0.700~1.000 Full 18 0.50 1.30 100/10 pdf
JI2C0700T0800S1 0.700~0.800 Full 40 0.50 1.15 100/10 pdf
JIC0770T0960SMSF10 0.700~0.960 Full 18.0 0.5 100/100/- pdf
JIC0763T0776N1 0.763~0.776 Full 19 0.25 1.25 125/10 pdf
JIC0791T0821N1 0.791~0.821 Full 20 0.35 1.22 10/10 pdf
JIC0800T0960S10 0.800~0.960 Full 20 0.40 1.22 100/100 pdf
JI2C0800T0960S10 0.800~0.960 Full 40 0.80 1.25 150/100 pdf
JIC0800T1000SMSF1 0.800~1.000 Full 21 0.35 1.19 10/10 pdf
JIC0800T1200S1 0.800~1.200 Full 18 0.50 1.30 1/1 pdf
PACKAGE 1.18″X1.30″ 0.800~2.000 Full 25 0.25 1.20 100/100 pdf
JIC0820T0915BNC10 0.820~0.915 Full 22 0.30 1.22 100/100 pdf
JIC0824T0894S1 0.824~0.849 Full 22 0.30 1.15 50/5 pdf
JIC0850T0870SFSM0 0.850~0.870 Full 25 0.30 1.20 5/5 pdf
JIC0850T0870SFSM0 0.850~0.870 Full 25 0.30 1.20 5/5 pdf
JIC0851T0869N6 0.851~0.869 Full 25 0.30 1.15 150/60 pdf
JIC0855T0895S10 0.855~0.895 Full 21 0.25 1.19 100/100 pdf
JI2C0860T0872S10 0.860~0.872 Full 50 0.50 1.15 150/100 pdf
JIC0860T0960S1 0.860~0.960 Full 20 0.30 1.22 125/10 pdf
JIC0875T0895S3 0.875~0.895 Full 23 0.25 1.19 30/30 pdf
JIC0876T0880NF0 0.876~0.880 Full 20.0 0.2 10/5/- pdf
JI2C0900T0960N30 0.900~0.960 Full 60 0.50 1.20 300/100 pdf
JIC0902T0928S2 0.902~0.928 Full 20 0.50 1.22 100/20 pdf
JIC0925T0960S10 0.925~0.960 Full 22 0.25 1.15 100/100 pdf
JIC0950T1150NFNM15 0.950~1.150 Full 20 0.35 1.22 1000 pdf
JIC0950T1100SF1 0.950~1.100 20.0 0.4 10/5/5 pdf
JIC2200T2300SF1 0.950~1.100 20.0 0.4 10/5/5 pdf
JIC0960T1240S10 0.960~1.240 Full 20 0.30 1.22 100/100 pdf
JIC0995T1005S1 0.995~1.005 Full 23 0.25 1.19 10/10 pdf
JIC1000T1100S1 1.000~1.100 Full 23 0.30 1.15 50/10 pdf
PACKAGE 1.00″X1.12″ 1.000~2.300 Full 25 0.25 1.20 100/100 pdf
PACKAGE DUAL 2.00″X1.12″ 1.000~2.300 Full 50 0.40 1.22 100/10 pdf
JIC1000T2000S6R 1.000~2.000 Full 16 0.70 1.40 60/10 pdf
JIC1000T2000SFSM1 1.000~2.000 16.0 0.75 5/5/- pdf
3B1-03 1.0~1.6 20.0 0.6 2W/2W/- pdf
3B1-05 1.0~1.6 20.0 0.6 2W/2W/- pdf
JIC1020T1100N10 1.020~1.100 Full 23 0.30 1.19 75/75 pdf
JIC1085T1095S1 1.085~1.095 Full 20 0.30 1.22 10/1 pdf
JIC1100T1600S1R 1.100~1.600 Full 17 0.50 1.33 60/10 pdf
JIC1160T1610SF10 1.160~1.610 Full 18.0@+25°C || 16.0@-40~+85°C 0.4@+25°C || 0.45@-40~+85°C 100/100/- pdf
JIC1200T1400S10 1.200~1.400 Full 20 0.40 1.25 100/100 pdf
JI2C1200T1400S0 1.200~1.400 Full 40 0.80 1.22 5/5 pdf
JIC1200T2400S1R 1.200~2.400 Full 16 0.70 1.4 10/1 pdf
JI2C1200T1400N30 1.200~1.400 Full 20.0@S12, S13, S31 || 40.0@S23 0.3@S21 || 0.6@S32 300/30/3000 pdf
JIC1300T1550S6R 1.300~1.550 Full 20 0.40 1.22 80/80 pdf
JIC1350T1850N20 1.350~1.850 Full 20 0.40 1.22 200/60 pdf
JIC1400T1800N10 1.400~1.800 Full 20 0.40 1.25 200/50 pdf
JIC1400T2500S1R 1.400~2.500 Full 17 0.60 1.35 60/10 pdf
JIC1420T1550N20 1.420~1.550 Full 20 0.30 1.22 200/200 pdf
JIC1425T2690S1R 1.425~2.690 Full 17 0.60 1.35 60/10 pdf
JIC1430T1930S1R 1.430~1.930 Full 17 0.50 17.00 60/10 pdf
JIC1450T1550N20 1.450~1.550 Full 20 0.25 1.22 200/200 pdf
JIC1500T2200SMSF1 1.500~2.200 Full 21 0.35 1.19 10/10 pdf
JIC1500T2500S10 1.500~2.500 Full 20 0.50 1.22 20/10 pdf
JIC1600T1800S6 1.600~1.800 Full 20 0.35 1.22 60/60 pdf
JIC1700T2600SFSM1 1.700~2.600 Full 19 0.60 1.25 20/10 pdf
JI2C1700T2700A2S1 1.700~2.700 Full 40 1.00 1.22 10/10 pdf
JIC1700T2100SMSF10 1.700~2.100 Full 18.0 0.5 100/100/- pdf
JI2C1800T2000S1 1.800~2.000 Full 40 0.50 1.15 100/10 pdf
JIC1805T1880S10 1.805~1.880 Full 22 0.25 1.15 100/100 pdf
JIC2000T4000S1R 2.000~4.000 Full 18 0.50 1.30 30/2 pdf
JIC2000T8000S1 2.000~8.000 Full 12 1.50 1.80 30/10 pdf
JIC2100T2200S10 2.100~2.200 Full 22 0.30 1.15 100/100 pdf
JIC21700T2700SMSF10 2.100~2.700 Full 18.0 0.5 100/100/- pdf
JIC2110T2170S20 2.110~2.170 Full 20 0.40 1.25 200/200 pdf
JI2C2110T2170S10 2.110~2.170 Full 50 0.50 1.15 100/100 pdf
JIC2200T2700N5 2.200~2.700 Full 23 0.30 1.15 50/50 pdf
JIC2200T2700N5-Ver2 2.200~2.700 Full 23.0 0.30 1.15 50/50/- pdf
JI2C2500T2700S1 2.500~2.700 Full 46 0.60 1.20 100/15 pdf
JIC2500T3500S2 2.500~3.500 Full 20 0.60 1.22 20/20 pdf
JIC2700T2900S10 2.700~2.900 Full 20 0.30 1.22 100/100 pdf
JIC2700T3000S1 2.700~3.000 Full 22 0.30 1.15 10/10 pdf
JIC2800T2900SMSF1 2.800~2.900 Full 20 0.25 1.22 10/10 pdf
JIC2900T3200SFSM25R 2.900~3.200 Full 20 0.40 1.25 100/25 pdf
PACKAGE 0.75″X0.75″ 3.000~6.000 Up To 30% 25 0.25 1.20 100/10 pdf
JIC3000T3500SMSF 3.000~3.500 Full 21 0.35 1.19 10/10 pdf
JIC3000T5000S1 3.000~5.000 Full 19.0 0.50 1.25 25/1/- pdf
JIC3000T6000S1R 3.000~6.000 Full 17 0.60 1.4 30/10 pdf
JIC3100T3600FS1 3.100~3.600 Full 20 0.40 1.22 10/10 pdf
JIC3400T3600S10 3.400~3.600 Full 20 0.35 1.22 100/10 pdf
JIC3400T4200S1R 3.400~4.200 Full 23 0.40 1.15 100/1 pdf
JIC3400T4800SMSF1 3.400~4.800 Full 21 0.35 1.19 10/10 pdf
JIC3400T4800SFSM1 3.400~4.800 Full 21.0 0.35 10/10/- pdf
JIC3400T4200NF2 3.400~4.200 Full 20.0(TYP:23.0) 0.45(TYP:0.35) 50/20/500 pdf
JIC3400T4800SF1 3.400~4.800 Full 21.0 0.35 10/10/- pdf
JIC3400T4200NF2 3.400~4.200 Full 20.0(TYP:23.0) 0.45(TYP:0.35) 50/20/500 pdf
JIC3400T4300NF5 3.400~4.300 Full 20.0 0.45 100/50/- pdf
JIC3500T4500FS0 3.500~4.500 Full 20 0.50 1.33 10/1 pdf
JIC3700T4200FS1 3.700~4.200 Full 20 0.30 1.19 30/10 pdf
JI2C3800T4500N5 3.800~4.500 Full 40 0.70 1.22 50/50 pdf
20A01J-05 3.900~6.900 Full 20.0 0.5 10/10/- pdf
20A01J-03 3.900~6.900 Full 20.0 0.5 10/10/- pdf
JIC4000T5000S1R 4.000~5.000 Full 20 0.35 1.22 20/10 pdf
PACKAGE 0.50″X0.626″ 4.000~8.600 Up To 30% 25 0.30 1.20 10/5 pdf
JIC4000T8000S1R 4.000~8.000 Full 20 0.40 1.25 30/2 pdf
JIC4000T8000SFSM1 4.000~8.000 18.0 0.40 30/10/- pdf
JIC4100T4700SMSF0 4.100~4.700 Full 20 0.40 1.22 1/1 pdf
JI2C4200T4400SFTSM1 4.200~4.400 Full 40.0 0.50 1.25 2/2/- pdf
JIC4415T5015S1 4.415~5.015 Full 20 0.40 1.22 10/10 pdf
JIC4500T4800SMSF0 4.500~4.800 20.0 0.5 1/-/- pdf
JIC4955T5055SFSM0 4.955~5.055 Full 20.0 0.3 1/1/- pdf
JIC5000T6000S0 5.000~6.000 Full 20 0.35 1.22 1/1 pdf
JIC5400T5900SMSF0 5.400~5.900 Full 20 0.40 1.22 10/1 pdf
JI2C5400T5900N1 5.400~5.900 Full 50 0.50 1.25 10/10 pdf
JIC5662T5762S0 5.662~5.762 Full 25 0.30 1.22 2/2 pdf
JIC5700T6600SMSF0 5.700~6.600 Full 20 0.50 1.19 1/1 pdf
JIC5700T7100S1 5.700~7.100 Full 20 0.40 1.22 10/10 pdf
J2IC5850T6650S1 5.850~6.650 Full 50 0.60 1.20 15/10 pdf
JIC5850T6725SMSF0 5.850~6.725 Full 20 0.40 1.22 10/5 pdf
JIC58T71-07 5.852~7.125 Full 20 0.35 1.19 10/1 pdf
JIC5900T10K6S1R 5.900~10.60 Full 20 0.50 1.25 10/1 pdf
JIC6000T12K0S1D 6.000~12.00 Full 16 0.60 1.40 10/10 pdf
JIC6000T18K0S1 6.000~18.00 Full 12 1.50 1.8 15/10 pdf
JIC6000T12K0S1D-Ver2 6.000~12.000 Full 16 0.6 10/10/30 pdf
JIC6400T7200SMSF0 6.400~7.200 Full 25 0.35 1.15 1/1 pdf
JIC6400T7200SMSF0-Ver2 6.400~7.200 Full 25.0 0.35 1/-/100 pdf
JIC6840T6950SFSM0 6.840~6.950 20.0 0.30 10/10/10 pdf
JIC7000T11K0S1R 7.000~11.00 Full 20 0.40 1.25 10/10 pdf
JI2C7000T7700S1 7.000~7.700 Full 50 0.50 1.20 15/10 pdf
JIC7400T7800S1R 7.400~7.800 Full 20 0.30 1.19 10/10 pdf
JIC7825T8475SFSM1 7.825~8.475 Full 20 0.40 1.19 10/10 pdf
PACKAGE 0.50″X0.626″ 8.000~12.00 Up To 30% 25 0.30 1.20 10/5 pdf
JI2C8000T10K0NS1 8.000~10.00 Full 40 0.80 1.25 10/10 pdf
JIC8000T12K4S1R 8.000~12.40 Full 20 0.40 1.25 10/2 pdf
JIC8000T16K0S1 8.000~16.00 Full 17 0.80 1.4 15/10 pdf
JIC8000T18K0S1 8.000~18.00 Full 17 0.80 1.4 15/10 pdf
JIC8000T8500SFSM0 8.000~8.500 Full 21 0.40 1.22 1/1 pdf
JIC8000T9000S2 8.000~9.000 Full 20 0.50 1.25 20/10 pdf
JIC8000T16K0S1-Ver2 8.000~16.00 Full 17.0 0.6 30/- pdf
JIC8000T18K0SFSM1 8.000~18.000 15.0 0.95 30/10/- pdf
JIC8400T10K2S1 8.400~10.20 Full 18 0.45 1.29 10/10 pdf
JIC8500T9600S1 8.500~9.600 Full 20 0.40 1.22 10/10 pdf
JI2C8500T9600S1 8.500~9.600 Full 50 0.50 1.25 15/10 pdf
JI2C9080T9180S1 9.080~9.180 Full 50 0.50 1.20 15/10 pdf
JIC9500T10K5S1 9.500~10.50 Full 21.0 0.30 1.22 10/5/50 pdf
JIC9700T11K7SMSF1 9.700~11.70 Full 20 0.40 1.22 1/1 pdf
JIC9700T12K5SMSF1 9.700~12.50 Full 20 0.50 1.22 1/1 pdf
JIC10K0T11K2S1R 10.00~11.20 Full 21 0.40 1.22 15/10 pdf
JI2C10K0T12K0S1 10.00~12.00 Full 40 0.80 1.25 5/5 pdf
JIC10K0T13K0SMSF0 10.00~13.00 Full 20 0.50 1.22 1/1 pdf
JIC10K0T15K0S1R 10.00~15.00 Full 20 0.50 1.25 15/10 pdf
JIC10K7T13K5SFSM0 10.700~13.500 Full 20.0 0.4 1/1/- pdf
JIC10K7T13K5SMSF0 10.700~13.500 Full 20.0 0.4 1/1/- pdf
JIC11K0T14K5SMSM0 11.000~14.500 Full 20.0 0.45 1/1/- pdf
JIC11K0T14K5SMSF0 11.000~14.500 Full 20.0 0.45 1/1/- pdf
JIC11K0T14K5SFSM0 11.000~14.500 Full 20.0 0.45 1/1/- pdf
JIC11K1T12K7SMSF1 11.10~12.75 Full 20 0.40 1.19 1/1 pdf
JIC11K8T14K5SFSM1 11.80~14.50 Full 20 0.50 1.22 1/1 pdf
PACKAGE 0.50″X0.626″ 12.00~18.00 Up To 30% 25 0.30 1.20 10/5 pdf
JIC12K0T13K0SMSF1 12.00~13.00 Full 20 0.30 1.22 10/5 pdf
JIC12K0T15K0S1R 12.00~15.00 Full 20 0.40 1.22 10/10 pdf
JIC12K0T18K0S1R 12.00~18.00 Full 20 0.60 1.30 10/10 pdf
JIC12K0T20K0S1 12.00~20.00 Full 18 0.60 1.30 10/10 pdf
JIC12K4T18K0SF0 12.400~18.000 Full 20.0 0.6 5/1/- pdf
JIC12K7T14K8SMSF0 12.700~14.800 20.0 0.45 1/1/- pdf
JIC13K5T15K0SFSM1 13.50~15.00 Full 20 0.40 1.22 1/1 pdf
JIC13K5T16K5SF1 13.500~16.500 20.0 0.40 10/10/10 pdf
JI2C14K5T15K5S0 14.50~15.50 Full 40 0.80 1.25 5/5 pdf
JIC15K1T22K0K1 15.10~22.00 Full 18 0.70 1.19 10/2 pdf
JIC15K5T17K5S1 15.50~17.50 Full 20 0.50 1.25 65/10 pdf
JIC16K1T17K4SMSF0 16.10~17.40 Full 23 0.50 1.30 1/1 pdf
JIC16K7T19K2SMSF0 16.70~19.20 Full 19 0.50 1.30 1/1 pdf
JI2C16K75T17K25S1 16.75~17.25 Full 50 0.70 1.25 10/10 pdf
PACKAGE 0.50″X0.626″ 17.00~27.00 Up To 30% 25 0.30 1.20 10/5 pdf
JIC17K0T22K0K1 17.00~22.00 Full 20 0.50 1.25 10/2 pdf
JIC17K2T18K2SFSM0 17.20~18.20 Full 20 0.40 1.22 1/1 pdf
JIC17K2T18K2SMSF0 17.20~18.20 20.0 0.500.40 1/1/- pdf
JIC17K3T18K4S0 17.30~18.40 Full 20 0.40 1.22 5/5 pdf
JIC17K3T18K4S0-Ver2 17.300~18.400 Full 20.0 0.40 5/5/- pdf
JIC18K0T21K2SMSF1 18.00~21.20 Full 18 0.50 1.19 10/1 pdf
JIC18K5T20K5SFSM0 18.500~20.500 18.0 0.5 2/1/- pdf
JIC18K5T20K5SMSF0 18.50~20.50 Full 18.0 0.50 2/1/- pdf
JIC19K2T21K2SMSF1 19.20~21.20 Full 18 0.50 1.15 1/1 pdf
JIC25K0T27K0K0 25.00~27.00 23.0 0.80 1/1/- pdf
JIC25K0T27K5KMKF0 25.000~27.500 18.0 0.6 2/1/- pdf
JIC27K0T31K0K0 27.00~31.00 Full 19 0.70 1.25 2/1 pdf
60D313V-K03 37.5~40.5 18.0 1.20 5/1/10 pdf
60D313V-K05 37.5~40.5 18.0 1.20 5/1/10 pdf
JIC40K2T41K4K0 40.200~41.400 Full 18.0 1.0 5/1/10 pdf